Monday, March 22, 2010

New Logo Idea...

So the transformation of my blog is well underway. Thanks to one suggestion, the colors are more cheery, and hopefully easier to read. I also have a sketch of the idea for my new logo.

 For those who find this rough sketch messy, the items on the left are a notebook, some paper, and a couple pens. The items on the far right are a couple cds. The laptop is my newest tech gadget, and I love using it at school. Finally the text will be computer placed in the final version and won't look so sloppy.

I would love some comments, to know if you like, dislike, think I should stick with the original picture, etc...

Hope to hear from you soon!


  1. I kind of like the idea of a rough sketch. :)

  2. I love your current picture but I have to admit that your proposed changes would certainly be closer to reflecting your interests. :-)

  3. Devin, I like it all kind of rough. We are all a little rough around the edges aren't we?
