Monday, June 24, 2013

Out of Context

Hello to anyone who actually reads this. There must be somebody... probably my mom.

I was looking at the post history and realized I needed to fix these long gaps... even if it was silly I should probably post something to keep in the habit of writing.

So I've had the wonderful opportunity to watch some entertaining anime lately and realized some scenes could be rather odd, awkward and/or hilarious if taken by themselves with no additional context.

So here are some fun moments from my most recent shows. I hope you enjoy, and don't try to understand them too much. Most of then have to be scene to be believed.

I hope if I'm ever caught in a tidal wave of kanji characters I will be as calm
She has adorable eyes when she's curious... and a really long arm
Kanji instead of heads...
So this show takes place in the regular normal world right?
Open what up? Curious?  :)
And its staring right at you
Thanks I had no idea what you were cosplaying
Don't let the demon cherubs bite!
He's a special kid.
All the screenshots today come from a show called Hyouka. It was quite wonderful and enjoyable yet had its own deeper message about the expectations we face and the expectations we put on ourselves.

Hope you had fun, I'll post some more later.

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