Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Guy on the block

Well, Well... here I am, computer lover, lover of writing... and I don't have a blog. I feel left out. Alone. NO MORE! now I can say I have broken into the elite society of bloggers. No more can my mother brag she has done something on a computer I have not done.

Truth be told I forgot one little detail... You actually have to write posts... you have to do something to keep this thing going. Oh well it is a more productive time then beating Call of Duty 4 for the Upteenth time... actually come to think of it that IS time well spent. Bad example.

Seriously though I hope this will be an opportunity for me to keep a journal of sorts. Of what is going on in my life... (hopefully something) and the items I find cool. It will a good experiment to record these things down. And one day I will be able to remember what was going on at this point in my life. I am pretty short on time right now, but I believe this should do fine for starters.

I'll see you next time!